Friday, May 28, 2010

so much for that hat

It's late on Friday and I'm listening to cartoons and destroying a pint of coconut sorbet and an over-sized handful of cherries. I haven't thought of a theme for Saturday, but I'd like to start fresh and unceremoniously unload the links I've stumbled across, this week that was. Mooooooooooooooooooogs! (If that didn't sound like a cow in your head, award yourself 10 Canadian Cool Kid Points)

Do take a minute to listen to a god particle decay.

I need to come visit.

Long Fin Killie (TV on the Radio for the early 90s)

While we're on music, this site makes nice mixes for all occasions.

I want to touch this art so bad.

The beautiful women of Belgium.

And, alternately, for the ladies.

Seriously gorgeous big pictures of little bugs.

I can't reconcile the expense of the marimba that is also a storage chest, but that doesn't stop me from trying to talk myself into buying the marimba that is also a storage chest.

God bless ornamental typography.


  1. Bob Moog spoke at a middle school in Lyons, IN in 2000. My friend Jonny Yuma was there, and wrote about it:

    What a Lucky Man indeed....

  2. i've got the "just wake up" playlist on now. i like broken social scene so much better when there's no vocals....

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. i went to the Whitney Biennial last night, and nothing there even approached the beauty of that feather art. they need to do some housecleaning in their curatorial dept asap.

  5. i thought the word "thorax" only applied to insect anatomy...

  6. alright, gotta go write a glockenspiel part before practice. thanks for the morning sorbet!

  7. I remember hearing about the Moog visit the day after it happened, and, nope; thorax is the bit that connects the head to the abdomen, bug or not.

  8. i will never use the word "thorax" when teaching a yoga class...

  9. Breastplate, cuirass and corslet are equally awkward substitutes. Someone tried to correct my tree pose the other day because I've always just done it naturally. I was into it until they said, 'now grow your little tree' unironically. I'm the jaded product of a bitter age. No wonder my chesty pectorals are so tense (thorax).
